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Open access archive

Going against the flow

Introduction |

Hydro-climate in the Aegean from 700 BC to AD 300 |

Water provisioning in a marine terrace environment |

The water supply in the Late Hellenistic houses of Delos |

The cisterns of the Athenian Kerameikos |

The Nemean wells |

The water supply of the Heraion of Samos |

Wells and cisterns in Greek literature |

Cisterns and loutses in a traditional Peloponnesian village |

Epilogue |

San Giovenale, vol. 6, fasc. 2-3 : What’s beyond the Etruscan bridge?

Front matter |

Contents |

Acknowledgements |

List of abbreviations |

List of illustrations |

Chapter 1. Gemeral introduction. “Make bricks without straw” |

Chapter 2. The Vignale plateau. Geological, topographic, and historical setting |

Chapter 3. Archaeological studies on Vignale |

Chapter 4. Remnants of the past. The structures of Vignale |

Chapter 5. Vignale and the wine connection. Economic and religious prerequisities from Etruscan to medieval periods |

Chaper 6. Final synthesis and chronological overview |

Appendix 1. Catalogue and artefact analysis from the trenches on the southern Bridge Complex |

Appendix 2. The Etruscans and the question of alunite |

Appendix 3. Conservation of a Hellenistic altar, by Agneta Freccero |

References |

Concordance |

The stuff of the gods

Introduction |

Stuff and godsense |

Why did the Greek gods need objects? |

Of things and men in the sanctuary of Aphrodite (Delos) |

Incubation rituals. Creating a locality for the divine? |

Movable sacrality |

A room of one’s own? |

Resistant, willing, and controlled |

Decisive dedications |

The affordances of terracotta figurines in domestic contexts |

Investigating the instability of religious material culture in Greek prehistory |

Adding buildings to Early Iron Age sanctuaries |

An external view |

Ambiguity versus specificity in modest votive offerings |

Writing to the gods? |

The aesthetics of rare experiences in early Greek sanctuaries |

Dephi and the omphalos |

The stuff of crowded sanctuaries |

Index |

From snout to tail

Preface |

From snout to tail. Dividing animals and reconstructing ancient Greek sacrifice |

From the butcher’s knife to god’s ears. The leg and tail in Greek |

Beyond burned thighbones. The anatomy of ancient Greek sacrifice |

Vous trouvez sabot ? Sur la table et sous la table, un morceau peu choisi |

Animal heads and feet in ancient Greek ritual contexts. Their relationship between sacred and profane |

Taking the bull by the horns. Animal heads in scenes of sacrifice on Greek vases |

Bucrane stylisé. Au-delà de l’ornementalité |

Heads, tongues and the rest. The kephale and its parts in the sacrificial practices |

Μέχρι σπλάγχνων. When is that? |

The viscera (splanchna) and the “Greek way” of sacrificing |

Blood and ritual killing: Exploring intuitive models |

To burn it all? The practice of holocausts and moirocausts in ancient Greek religion |

Burnt animals for the Hittite gods. Cremation as a type of animal sacrifice in Hittite Anatolia |

From flock to temple to table. The sacrificial animal of the fellowship offering in Ancient Israel in text and archaeology |

Animal sacrifice in parts. Theorizing bodily division in Greek and Etruscan ritual killing |

Indices |

“The pen fell from my hand when I was in my eighty-sixth year.”

Initial remarks |

Science, evergreen. An introduction |

Martin P. Nilsson, Geschichte der griechischen Religion vol. 1 |

Hellenistic religion(s). Revisiting Martin P. Nilsson’s Geschichte der griechischen Religion vol. 2. Die hellenistische und römische Zeit |

To be or not to be … “popular”. Martin P. Nilsson’s Greek folk religion, its context, and its modern echoes |

Nilsson in the Bronze Age. The place of prehistory in the history of Greek religion. Martin P. Nilsson’s Minoan-Mycenaean religion |

A history of changing religious attitudes in Greek antiquity. Martin P. Nilsson’s Greek piety |

Index |

Opuscula 17

Pergamos. An unexplored fortified site in north-eastern Greece |

The Palamas Archaeological Project 2023 |

A bronze deposit excavated at Kalaureia in 2016 |

A Roman bath with broken windows in Asine, Argolis |

The Tomba Åström and the 1969 excavations at San Giovenale |

Architectural terracottas from San Giovenale |

Etruscologia e ideologia nel XX secolo |

Building the social |

A Ptolemaic context from Hellenistic Patara |

The development of the water supply on the Peloponnese in Greco-Roman times |

Research review. Navigating the digital limes |

Review of E. Milka, Mortuary differentiation and social structure in the Middle Helladic Argolid, 2000–1500 B.C. |

Review of D.M. Smith, W.G. Cavanagh & A. Papadopoulos, eds, The wider island of Pelops. Studies on prehistoric Aegean pottery in honour of Professor Christopher Mee |

Review of J. Neils & S.M. Dunn, eds, Hippos. The horse in ancient Athens |

Review of R. Rönnlund, The cities of the plain |

Review of M. Moltesen & A. Rathje, eds, Approaches to Ancient Etruria |

Review of S. Maréchal, Bathing at the edge of the Roman Empire |

Review of D. De Gianni, Iuvencus Evangeliorum Liber Quartus |

Dissertation abstracts 2023–2024 |

Opuscula 16

Contents |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition (The Söderberg Expedition): Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke autumn 2021 and spring 2022. Preliminary results |

The Palamas Archaeological Project. A preliminary report of the 2022 fieldwork conducted by the ongoing Greek–Swedish archaeological field programme in Palamas, region of Karditsa, Thessaly |

A preliminary report on sculptures and figurative terracottas found at the site of Vlochos, region of Karditsa, Thessaly |

An overlooked 2nd-century BC decree by the polis of the Orthieians, Thessaly |

The humans of ancient Hermione. The necropolis in the light of bioarchaeology |

Statuettes of pregnant sows from Knidos. New light on the cult of Demeter |

New Greek inscriptions from Akmoneia and its territory |

Hieronymus Odam, engraved gems and antiquarianism |

Johan Niklas Byström and the so-called Venus of Stockholm. New research on a presumably lost sculpture |

Review article. Gender in ancient Rome: New directions and voices |

Book reviews |

Dissertation abstracts 2022–2023 |

Opuscula 15

Contents |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition (The Söderberg Expedition): Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke 2020 and 2021 |

Roman and Early Byzantine evidence from the area of Palamas |

Late Etruscan tripod thymiateria |

The Basilica Sempronia and the Forum Romanum |

Memorial sculpture in the Protestant Cemetery at Rome |

Human-environment dynamics in the ancient Mediterranean |

Book reviews |

Dissertation abstracts 2020–2022 |

Opuscula 14

Gourimadi Archaeological Project – The results from the first excavation season (2018) of a prehistoric site in the Karystia, southern Euboea |

The Kalaureia Excavation Project – A preliminary report of the work carried out in Area L between 2015 and 2018 |

Some preliminary notes on the limited 2020 campaign of the Palamas Archaeological Project (PAP) |

An ancient cityscape and its people A study of ancient Hermione – Introductory remarks on historical sources and visible remains, archaeological research and prospects |

The topography of Hermione—A preliminary outline |

The Temple of Demeter Chthonia at Hermione |

The cisterns of the Bisti promontory at Hermione – With a preliminary description of the Roman aqueduct |

Life and death in ancient Hermione – Excavations in the necropolis |

The key to Hermione? – Notes on an inscribed monument |

From 2D and 3D documentation to 4D interpretation – Building archaeological conclusions and workflow strategies gained by remote study of Insula V 1, Pompeii |

Palaepaphos-Teratsoudhia Tomb 288 – (c. 1650 BC–c. 1200 BC) |

The death of infants in Early Iron Age Cyprus – A jar burial from Kition-Bamboula |

Ancestral and chthonic cults at Tenos |

Bulls and rams – The sacrifice to Erechtheus |

The Turkish harem in the Karyatid Temple – and antagonistic narratives on the Athenian Acropolis |

The Temple of Zeus at Lebadea – The architecture and the semantics of a colossus |

Commending a freedman – Virtues and masculinities in the recommendation letters of Cicero and Pliny the Younger |

The Invitation to the Dance – An intertextual reassessment |

Book reviews |

Opuscula 13

The 2016–2018 Greek-Swedish archaeological project at Thessalian Vlochos, Greece |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2019: Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke (The Söderberg Expedition) |

A Mycenaean pictorial vase from Midea |

A Protocorinthian aryballos with a myth scene from Tegea |

Religion and family politics in Hellenistic Kalaureia. Three new inscriptions from the sanctuary of Poseidon |

Vidracco, Braone, and San Lorenzo. Recruitment or dilectio? |

The Old Cemetery for Foreigners in Rome with a new Inventory of its burials |

Erik Wetter and the genesis of the San Giovenale excavations |

Book reviews |

Dissertation abstracts 2019–2020 |

Opuscula 12

Bioarchaeological field analysis of human remains from the mass graves at Phaleron, Greece |

Physical environment and daily life in the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia, Poros |

Animals in the sanctuary – Mammal and fish bones from Areas D and C at the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia |

Animals in the sanctuary – Bird bones and eggshell |

Snakes and other microfaunal remains from the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia |

Marine and terrestrial molluscs in the sanctuary |

Trees and shrubs in the sanctuary |

Plants in the sanctuary |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2018: Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke (The Söderberg Expedition) |

Palaepaphos-Skales Tomb 277. More prestigious burials |

Greece and the Levant in the 10th–9th centuries BC |

Book reviews |

Dissertation abstracts 2018–2019 |

Skrifter utgivna av de svenska instituten i Athen och Rom |

Opuscula 11

Contents |

Preliminary report of the Malthi Archaeological Project, 2015–2016 |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2017: Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke (The Söderberg Expedition) |

Two Early Helladic II terracotta rollers from Asine and their glyptic context |

Tokens of piety |

The use of miniature pottery in Archaic–Hellenistic Greek sanctuaries |

Painting early death |

The hand gesture and symbols of Sabazios |

Cella alignment and 4th century BC Doric peripteral temple architecture in Mainland Greece |

Review - Interpreting the seventh century BC |

Review - Termini. Cornerstone of modern Rome |

Review - Die innerstädtische Wasserbewirtschaftung im hellenistisch-römischen Pergamon |

Review - Die Felsgräber der Könige von Pontos in Amasya |

Review - Musicians in ancient coroplastic art. Iconography, ritual contexts, and functions |

Dissertation abstracts 2017–2018 |

Opuscula 10

Contents |

Clay paste characterization and provenance determination of Middle and Late Helladic vessels from Midea |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2016: Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke (The Söderberg Expedition). Preliminary results |

Power and coinage: The portrait tetradrachms of Eumenes II |

The stadion of Labraunda |

Symbolic connotations of animals at early Middle Helladic Asine. A comparative study of the animal bones from the settlement and its graves |

The lower city of Asea, Arcadia. Results from a geophysical project 2001-2012 |

The last occupation of Asine in Argolis |

Review-A companion to the Etruscans |

Review-Myth drama and style |

Review-Where dreams may come |

Dissertations 2016-2017 |

Opuscula 9

Contents |

Later, laterculus, and testa |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2015 Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke |

Divine commands, authority, and cult: Imperative dedications to the Egyptian gods |

Home, refuse, and reuse during the Early Helladic III to the Middle Helladic I transitional period |

People and plants |

Excavations at the Monastery of St Antony at the Red Sea |

Textile tools from the East Gate at Mycenaean Midea, Argolis, Greece |

Subsidies for the Roman West? |

The rock-cut chamber tombs of Labraunda |

Book reviews |

Dissertations 2015–2016 |

Opuscula 8

Contents |

The Charitonidis Class |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2014 Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke |

Two new Proto-White Painted ware vases of the pictorial style from Palaepaphos, Cyprus |

Cutting the Gordian knot |

Loom weights in Archaic South Italy and Sicily: Five case studies |

The Swedish Jordan Expedition 2014 at Tall Abu al-Kharaz |

Terenz’ Hecyra—Spiel der Voreiligkeiten |

Book reviews |

Mycenaeans up to date

Table of contents |

Opuscula 7

Contents |

Ancestors at the gate |

Labraunda 2012–2013 |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2013 Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke |

The solidus hoard of Casa delle Vestali in context |

The Swedish Jordan Expedition 2013 at Tall Abu al-Kharaz |

Berit Wells in memoriam |

Castration, cult and agriculture |

Cooking stands and braziers in Greek sanctuaries |

New inscriptions in the Bodrum Museum |

Karpophoroi deities and the Attic cult of Ge Notes on IG II2 4758 |

Dairy Queen |

A note on domestic vs communal grain storage in the Early Helladic period |

Book reviews |

San Giovenale

Contents |

Acknowledgements |

Ringraziamenti |

Preface |

List of illustrations |

Bibliography |

Personal prolegomena |

Introduction to the geography and geology of San Giovenale |

History of the Borgo excavations |

Excavation areas, periods and stratigraphy |

Pre-House Period I |

Pre-House Period II |

The Great Fill Project |

The northern Area A. Buildings and stratigraphy of periods 1 & 2 |

The central Area B/C/I/R |

Lane K |

The southern Area D/E/F/G/H |

An earthquake at San Giovenale in the 6th century BC (?) |

Period 3—after the earthquake |

Periods 4 & 5—later developments |

Summary |

Appendix: San Giovenale bibliography 1877–2011 |

Appendix2: Osservazioni sulle strutture murarie |

Appendix3: An investigation into ancient mortars |

Appendix4: The roof-tiles |

Appendix5: Documentation of architectural remains |

Plates |

The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square Kastelli, Khania 1970-1987 and 2001

Contents |

Preface |

List of illustrations |

Introduction |

Abbreviations |

Bibliography |

Introduction to the LM IIIB:1 and LM IIIA:2 settlements |

LM IIIB:1. Building 1. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIB:1. Building 3. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIB:1. Street. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIB:1. Rubbish Area Southeast. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIB:1. Building 2. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIB:1. Courtyard. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIB:1. Between Buildings 1 and 2. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIB:1. North of Buildings 1 and 2. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIA:2. Building 1. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIA:2. South of Building 1. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIA:2. Rubbish Area Southeast. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIA:2. Building 2. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIA:2. Courtyard. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

LM IIIA:2. Rubbish Area North. Stratigraphy and catalogues |

Unstratified material |

The architecture |

The wall plaster in the LM IIIB:1 and LM IIIA:2 levels |

The pottery |

Industrial activities, personal adornments and belongings |

The terracotta figurines and the stone vases |

The obsidian |

The Linear B inscriptions and potter’s marks |

Index for Linear B |

General conclusions |

Appendix: pottery statistics |

Concordance list |

Index |

Sylloge inscriptionum Graecarum et Latinarum Upsaliensis

Contents |

Preface |

Abbreviations |

Introduction |

Text, translation, and commentary |

Bibliography |

Indices |

Concordances |

Bones, behaviour and belief

Table of contents |

Preface |

Introduction: bones of contention? |

What we would like the bones to tell us: a sacrificial wish list |

L’assemblage osseux comme un dernier état de la présence animale en contexte archéologique |

Evidence of animal offerings in Iron Age Scandinavia |

Dans l’ombre du rite : vestiges d’animaux et pratiques sacrificielles en Grèce antique |

Bones and the body politic? |

Hittite animal sacrifice |

The taphonomy of ritual bone depositions |

“Side” matters: animal offerings at ancient Nemea |

Dealing with the unexpected |

Rituels sacrificiels et offrandes animales dans le Sarapieion C de Délos |

Thesmophoriazousai |

The sea in the temple? |

Sacrificed animals in Swedish Late Iron Age monumental mound burials |

The zooarchaeology of cult |

Bones in Greek sanctuaries: answers and questions |

Archéozoologie et pratiques rituelles |

Maps |

Index |

Opuscula 6 2013

The agency of Greek and Roman statues |

Fragments with horses and wolf’s teeth |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2012 Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke |

Archaic pottery and terracottas from the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia |

Textual evidence for Aegean Late Bronze Age ritual processions |

A moving story about exotica: objects’ long-distance production chains and associated identities at Tiryns, Greece |

The Makrakomi Archaeological Landscapes Project (MALP) |

On the dating of two early 2nd century coin issues from Kos and the IGCH 1320 hoard |

The Swedish Jordan Expedition 2011 and 2012 at Tall Abu al-Kharaz |

Book reviews |

Children Lost and Found

Children Lost and Found |

Mastos in the Berbati Valley

List of illustrations |

List of tables |

Preface |

Introduction |

The topographical survey and the Geographical Information System (GIS) |

The Neolithic period |

The Early Helladic period |

The Middle Helladic period |

The Late Helladic period |

The Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic periods |

The Late Antique and Medieval periods |

Petrographic analysis of ceramics from the Berbati Valley |

Conclusions |

Bibliography |

Foldout 1 |

Foldout 2 |

Opuscula 5 2012

Dancing with decorum |

Labraunda 2011 |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2011 Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke |

Euergetism and city-walls in the Italian city of Telesia |

The water-mills on the Lamas River in Cilicia |

The impact of restoration |

The Swedish Jordan Expedition 2009 and 2010 at Tall Abu al-Kharaz |

Book reviews |

Opuscula 4 2011

A courtyard gate at Thourioi |

Labraunda 2010 : A preliminary report on the Swedish excavations |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2010 : Excavations at Dromolaxia Vizatzia/Hala Sultan Tekke |

Representing consulship |

Is it possible to believe in a syncretistic god? |

Italian dreams, Roman longings |

Book reviews |

Opuscula 3 2010

Excavations in Midea 2008–2009 |

The bronze headbands of Prehistoric Lofkënd and their Aegean and Balkan connections |

Un inedito lastrone a scala da Tarquinia presso l’Antiquarium di Monte Romano |

Labraunda 2009 - A preliminary report on the Swedish excavations with contributions by Jesper Blid and Olivier Henry |

Water, well-being and social complexity in insula V 1 |

Marsyas in the garden? |

Chiusi e il Clusium Group |

Book reviews |

Opuscula 2 2009

Excavations in Midea 2007 |

Labraunda 2008 : A preliminary report on the Swedish excavations with contributions by Jesper Blid and Olivier Henry |

Report on the excavations in the years 2007 and 2008 southeast of the Temple of Poseidon at Kalaureia |

A smiting-god-figurine found in the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia |

A new inscribed statue base from the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia |

A tale of three drums: An unfinished Archaic votive column in the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia |

The Brygos painter at San Giovenale |

Decorative effects and room functions. The evidence of thresholds studied in the residential quarters of Insula V 1, Pompeii |

Book Reviews |

Opuscula 1 2008

Excavations in Midea 2006 |

The Archaic wall of Athens : Reality or myth? |

Epineia kai limenes : The relationship between harbours and cities in ancient greek texts |

Una nuova acquisizione di ceramica «white-on-red» dall'ager veientanus |

Visualized rituals and dedicatory inscriptions on votive offerings to the nymphs |

Nuovi dati sul popolamento nella pianura di Tarquinia durante la Romanizzazione il caso della località «il giglio» |

A forgotten tomb at Hippokome and its neighbours |

Reconsidering the tomb of Aulus Hirtius |

I muri trasversali di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme e la sinagoga di Ostia |

Book reviews |