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Open Access
Opuscula 17 | 2024
Pergamos. An unexplored fortified site in north-eastern Greece. By Patrik Klingborg, Georgia Galani, Jesper Blid, Stavroula Dadaki & Penelope Malama, pp. 7–24
The Palamas Archaeological Project 2023. A preliminary report of the Greek–Swedish collaboration in the municipality of Palamas, region of Karditsa, Thessaly. By Maria Vaïopoulou, Robin Rönnlund, Fotini Tsiouka, Johan Klange, Derek Pitman, Ian Randall, Rich Potter & Harry Manley, pp. 25–45
A bronze deposit excavated at Kalaureia in 2016. A statuette of the Herakles Chiaramonti type, a stand and a thymiaterion. By Julia Habetzeder, pp. 47–67
A Roman bath with broken windows in Asine, Argolis. The result of repeated earthquakes? By Dominic Ingemark, pp. 69–93
The Tomba Åström and the 1969 excavations at San Giovenale. By Mattia D’Acri & Fredrik Tobin-Dodd, pp. 95–111
Architectural terracottas from San Giovenale. Addenda and conclusions. By Örjan Wikander, pp. 113–150
Etruscologia e ideologia nel XX secolo. By Marie-Laurence Haack, pp. 151–166
Building the social. A query into the societal impact of the Pompeian water supply. By Anne-Marie Leander Touati, pp. 167–214
A Ptolemaic context from Hellenistic Patara. Remarks on amphora stamps and coins. By Erkan Dündar & Ömer Tatar, pp. 215–229
The development of the water supply on the Peloponnese in Greco-Roman times. By Patrik Klingborg, pp. 231–250
Research review. Navigating the digital limes: Transformative practices and challenges in Classical and Mediterranean archaeology. By Nicolò Dell’Unto, pp. 251–257
Book reviews
E. Milka, Mortuary differentiation and social structure in the Middle Helladic Argolid, 2000–1500 B.C., Oxford: Archaeopress 2023. By Michael Lindblom, pp. 259–260
D.M. Smith, W.G. Cavanagh & A. Papadopoulos, eds, The wider island of Pelops. Studies on prehistoric Aegean pottery in honour of Professor Christopher Mee, Oxford: Archaeopress 2023. By Christopher Nuttall, pp. 261–263
J. Neils & S.M. Dunn, eds, Hippos. The horse in ancient Athens. ΙΠΠΟΣ. Το άλογο στην αρχαία Αθήνα, Athens: American School of Classical Studies at Athens 2022. By Denis Searby, pp. 263–264
R. Rönnlund, The cities of the plain. Urbanism in ancient western Thessaly, Oxford: Oxbow Books 2023. By Margriet J. Haagsma, pp. 264–266
M. Moltesen & A. Rathje, eds, Approaches to Ancient Etruria (Danish Studies in Classical Archaeology. Acta Hyperborea 16), Charlottenlund: Museum Tusculanum Press 2022. By Hampus Olsson, pp. 266–269
S. Maréchal, Bathing at the edge of the Roman Empire. Baths and bathing habits in the north-western corner of continental Europe (The Archaeology of Northern Europe 2), Turnhout: Brepols 2023. By Patrik Klingborg, pp. 269–270
D. De Gianni, Iuvencus Evangeliorum Liber Quartus. Introduzione, testo criticamente riveduto, traduzione e commento (Klassische Philologie Palingenesia 123), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2020. By Gerd V.M. Haverling, pp. 270–272
Dissertation abstracts 2023–2024, pp. 273–274
Pergamos. An unexplored fortified site in north-eastern Greece. By Patrik Klingborg, Georgia Galani, Jesper Blid, Stavroula Dadaki & Penelope Malama, pp. 7–24
The Palamas Archaeological Project 2023. A preliminary report of the Greek–Swedish collaboration in the municipality of Palamas, region of Karditsa, Thessaly. By Maria Vaïopoulou, Robin Rönnlund, Fotini Tsiouka, Johan Klange, Derek Pitman, Ian Randall, Rich Potter & Harry Manley, pp. 25–45
A bronze deposit excavated at Kalaureia in 2016. A statuette of the Herakles Chiaramonti type, a stand and a thymiaterion. By Julia Habetzeder, pp. 47–67
A Roman bath with broken windows in Asine, Argolis. The result of repeated earthquakes? By Dominic Ingemark, pp. 69–93
The Tomba Åström and the 1969 excavations at San Giovenale. By Mattia D’Acri & Fredrik Tobin-Dodd, pp. 95–111
Architectural terracottas from San Giovenale. Addenda and conclusions. By Örjan Wikander, pp. 113–150
Etruscologia e ideologia nel XX secolo. By Marie-Laurence Haack, pp. 151–166
Building the social. A query into the societal impact of the Pompeian water supply. By Anne-Marie Leander Touati, pp. 167–214
A Ptolemaic context from Hellenistic Patara. Remarks on amphora stamps and coins. By Erkan Dündar & Ömer Tatar, pp. 215–229
The development of the water supply on the Peloponnese in Greco-Roman times. By Patrik Klingborg, pp. 231–250
Research review. Navigating the digital limes: Transformative practices and challenges in Classical and Mediterranean archaeology. By Nicolò Dell’Unto, pp. 251–257
Book reviews
E. Milka, Mortuary differentiation and social structure in the Middle Helladic Argolid, 2000–1500 B.C., Oxford: Archaeopress 2023. By Michael Lindblom, pp. 259–260
D.M. Smith, W.G. Cavanagh & A. Papadopoulos, eds, The wider island of Pelops. Studies on prehistoric Aegean pottery in honour of Professor Christopher Mee, Oxford: Archaeopress 2023. By Christopher Nuttall, pp. 261–263
J. Neils & S.M. Dunn, eds, Hippos. The horse in ancient Athens. ΙΠΠΟΣ. Το άλογο στην αρχαία Αθήνα, Athens: American School of Classical Studies at Athens 2022. By Denis Searby, pp. 263–264
R. Rönnlund, The cities of the plain. Urbanism in ancient western Thessaly, Oxford: Oxbow Books 2023. By Margriet J. Haagsma, pp. 264–266
M. Moltesen & A. Rathje, eds, Approaches to Ancient Etruria (Danish Studies in Classical Archaeology. Acta Hyperborea 16), Charlottenlund: Museum Tusculanum Press 2022. By Hampus Olsson, pp. 266–269
S. Maréchal, Bathing at the edge of the Roman Empire. Baths and bathing habits in the north-western corner of continental Europe (The Archaeology of Northern Europe 2), Turnhout: Brepols 2023. By Patrik Klingborg, pp. 269–270
D. De Gianni, Iuvencus Evangeliorum Liber Quartus. Introduzione, testo criticamente riveduto, traduzione e commento (Klassische Philologie Palingenesia 123), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2020. By Gerd V.M. Haverling, pp. 270–272
Dissertation abstracts 2023–2024, pp. 273–274
ISBN 9789197779968
280 sidor
Utgiven 2024
Språk eng
Pris från 636 kr