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Open Access
Bones, behaviour and belief : The zooarchaeological evidence as a source for ritual practice in ancient Greece and beyond
Table of contents
Jenny Wallensten & Gunnel Ekroth | Introduction: bones of contention?
Gunnel Ekroth | What we would like the bones to tell us: a sacrificial wish list
Armelle Gardeisen | L’assemblage osseux comme un dernier état de la présence animale en contexte archéologique. Gestuelle et comportements vis-à-vis de l’animal
Maria Vretemark | Evidence of animal offerings in Iron Age Scandinavia
Katerina Trantalidou | Dans l’ombre du rite : vestiges d’animaux et pratiques sacrificielles en Grèce antique. Note sur la diversité des contextes et les difficultés de recherche rencontrées
Valasia Isaakidou & Paul Halstead | Bones and the body politic? A diachronic analysis of structured deposition in the Neolithic–Early Iron Age Aegean
Peter R.W. Popkin | Hittite animal sacrifice. Integrating zooarchaeology and textual analysis
Ola Magnell | The taphonomy of ritual bone depositions. An approach to the study of animal bones and ritual practice with an example from Viking Age Frösö, Sweden
Michael MacKinnon | “Side” matters: animal offerings at ancient Nemea
Dimitra Mylona | Dealing with the unexpected. Unusual animals in an Early Roman cistern fill in the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia, Poros
Hélène Brun & Martine Leguilloux | Rituels sacrificiels et offrandes animales dans le Sarapieion C de Délos
Deborah Ruscillo | Thesmophoriazousai. Mytilenean women and their secret rites
Tatiana Theodoropoulou | The sea in the temple? Shells, fish and corals from the sanctuary of the ancient town of Kythnos and other marine stories of cult
Sabine Sten | Sacrificed animals in Swedish Late Iron Age monumental mound burials
Gerhard Forstenpointner, Alfred Galik & Gerald E. Weissengruber | The zooarchaeology of cult. Perspectives and pitfalls of an experimental approach
Scott Scullion | Bones in Greek sanctuaries: answers and questions
Stella Georgoudi, V éronique Mehl & Francis Prost | Archéozoologie et pratiques rituelles : méthodes, matériaux et perspectives
Open access (articles as PDF)
Table of contents |
Preface |
Introduction: bones of contention? |
What we would like the bones to tell us: a sacrificial wish list |
L’assemblage osseux comme un dernier état de la présence animale en contexte archéologique |
Evidence of animal offerings in Iron Age Scandinavia |
Dans l’ombre du rite : vestiges d’animaux et pratiques sacrificielles en Grèce antique |
Bones and the body politic? |
Hittite animal sacrifice |
The taphonomy of ritual bone depositions |
“Side” matters: animal offerings at ancient Nemea |
Dealing with the unexpected |
Rituels sacrificiels et offrandes animales dans le Sarapieion C de Délos |
Thesmophoriazousai |
The sea in the temple? |
Sacrificed animals in Swedish Late Iron Age monumental mound burials |
The zooarchaeology of cult |
Bones in Greek sanctuaries: answers and questions |
Archéozoologie et pratiques rituelles |
Maps |
Index |
ISBN 9789179160623
272 sidor
Utgiven 2013
Språk eng
Pris från 530 kr