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Open Access
Mastos in the Berbati Valley : An Intensive Archaeological Survey
The introductory chapter summarises previous work in the valley, discusses its ancient routes of communication and outlines the method employed in the archaeological survey. This is followed by an account of the topographical survey and the geographical information system used. In the six following chapters the archaeological remains are presented and analysed in a diachronic fashion. It is concluded that the hill was predominantly settled in prehistory with the exception of a small stronghold in Medieval times on its top terrace. A detailed petrographic study of ceramics found at different locales in the valley is also included.
Open access (articles as PDF)
List of illustrations |
List of tables |
Preface |
Introduction |
The topographical survey and the Geographical Information System (GIS) |
The Neolithic period |
The Early Helladic period |
The Middle Helladic period |
The Late Helladic period |
The Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic periods |
The Late Antique and Medieval periods |
Petrographic analysis of ceramics from the Berbati Valley |
Conclusions |
Bibliography |
Foldout 1 |
Foldout 2 |
ISBN 9789179160586
189 sidor
Utgiven 2011
Språk eng
Pris från 530 kr