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Opuscula 16 | 2023 : Annual of the Swedish institutes at Athens and Rome

Opuscula, no. 16


Peter M. Fischer & Teresa Bürge et al. | The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition (The Söderberg Expedition): Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke autumn 2021 and spring 2022. Preliminary results

Maria Vaiopoulou, Robin Rönnlund, Fotini Tsiouka, Johan Klange, Derek Pitman, Rich Potter, Ian Randall, Harry Manley, Elisabet Schager, Sotiria Dandou & Lewis Webb | The Palamas Archaeological project. A preliminary report of the 2022 fieldwork conducted by the ongoing Greek–Swedish archaeological field programme in Palamas, region of Karditsa, Thessaly

Stelios Ieremias & Robin Rönnlund | A preliminary report on sculptures and figurative terracottas found at the site of Vlochos, region of Karditsa, Thessaly

Robin Rönnlund | An overlooked 2nd century BC decree by the polis of the Orthieians, Thessaly

Anna Tornberg | The humans of ancient Hermione. The necropolis in the light of bioarchaeology

Linda Talatas | Statuettes of pregnant sows from Knidos. New light on the cult of Demeter

Hüseyin Uzunoglu & N. Eda Akyürek Sahin | New Greek inscriptions from Akmoneia and its territory

Pawel Golyzniak | Hieronymus Odam, engraved gems and antiquarianism

Christian Klose | Johan Niklas Byström and the so-called Venus of Stockholm. New research on a presumably lost sculpture

Lovisa Brännstedt & Lewis Webb | Review article. Gender in ancient Rome: New directions and voices

Book reviews

Dissertation abstracts 2022–2023

Open access (articles as PDF)

Contents |

The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition (The Söderberg Expedition): Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke autumn 2021 and spring 2022. Preliminary results |

The Palamas Archaeological Project. A preliminary report of the 2022 fieldwork conducted by the ongoing Greek–Swedish archaeological field programme in Palamas, region of Karditsa, Thessaly |

A preliminary report on sculptures and figurative terracottas found at the site of Vlochos, region of Karditsa, Thessaly |

An overlooked 2nd-century BC decree by the polis of the Orthieians, Thessaly |

The humans of ancient Hermione. The necropolis in the light of bioarchaeology |

Statuettes of pregnant sows from Knidos. New light on the cult of Demeter |

New Greek inscriptions from Akmoneia and its territory |

Hieronymus Odam, engraved gems and antiquarianism |

Johan Niklas Byström and the so-called Venus of Stockholm. New research on a presumably lost sculpture |

Review article. Gender in ancient Rome: New directions and voices |

Book reviews |

Dissertation abstracts 2022–2023 |

Opuscula 16 | 2023

ISBN 9789197779951

Soft cover

268 pages

Published 2023

Language eng

Price from SEK 636